The Situational Approach is an interesting topic in Social work. It means a way to think about the social relation between the comunity and the State. This means that you make a conversation -not a contract; otherwise, you would go back to use the traditional logics of the area. This dialogue tries to show the issues, complaint, "the society`s legitimate struggle", of a particular community.
We can use differents techniques, like a Biographical Story. This perspective look for a story to tell. This story comes from a person, who has something to tell. This way, the idea is to generate a bond with which you make decisions to solve problems inside the community.
This approach have an ethics implication. The decision making is not "one-sided" -not just from the State-, it is a chance to put together the community`s decision and the state's aid*. In conclusion, the situational Approach is a way to generate a dialogue between the State and the community to make decisions and encourage social relations inside the society.
Amazing topic!