viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Post 5: My future job

I`m not pretty sure, but I think I would like work in something related with penitentiary, in particular in the prison system progress. I would like investigate the differents prison system in the country, and compare the results to making politics in favor of the prisoner and they familys. Also I would like work whit trans population in jail, because there is a little information about that, and the public politics are`n at present.
But, in the other hand, I would like work in disaster management. I would like generate practice to confront differtents disasters.
Those are what I want, by the moment. Independently at the job, I would like work in an office, but not all the time. I would like to travel showing my job, and cooperate whit other institutions and organizations that work the same or similar of me.

I would like specialize en many ways, like public politics, management and administration, quality indicator, in social science, in poststructuralist intervention and investigation... anyway, I would like specialize in many things. I`m not sure yet, but I`ve hope, and I wait, can do at least two of the specialization what I told. I think that is important because I think that is a way to be a competent professional

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