viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Post 6: Postgraduate studies

I`m not really sure about what I want to study. I think what I like many things. I would like study something related to social research and social work, but also I would like to study something about the public policys related to infancy or prison. On the other hand, I would like to study something related to environment and sustainability, but I`m not sure. Also I would like study something related to natural disaster, about how react, what to do, in emergency situations. Most of all I would like to study something in which I can put some interesting topics to me, like social research in prison, the gender (the gender in prison too), the contamination phenomenon, natural disaster, and public policy.
Until I know, in Chile does`n exist postgraduate courses whit these characteristic -or not like I would- so I think what I would have to travel to other country to study, like Argentina or Frence -where exist more specialized postmodern studys and postgraduate courses.
I would like study of face-to-face, I think that way is most interactive, and I can know new people.
But, first than all, I would like to recive my universitary degree in social work, and after that I will think sternly about what I want to do in the future for my postgrade.

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