viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

Post 10: English Language Challenges

I think I like this subjetc because it taught how to express in another language. I consider English like a tool to get on the academic space and the daily life. I liked so much this level of English. The teacher is amazing, very charismatic, understanding and interested in her students.

I like to write in the blog, but I would like to write about things more interesting for me. About my English, I think it is regular. The listenig exercise is very hard for me, but I like to read, I think that it is easier to me. In the next time I have to improve my English with practice and rehearse, reading and re-listen again and again, practice with people who talk in English. I would like to improve because in the future I want to speak fluently English to travel to other countries.

In my daily life I use the English to follow instructions on web tutorials about food, snacks, how to make something, how to draw, things like that. Or when I have to look for a source to write an article for the University. Or when I listen to music in which the languaje is English. I use my English when I watch a TV serie or film, or when I use Netflix too.

In the future, when I grow up, I would learn more languages, like French, German, sign language, something like that. I think to learn other language will give me another vision of the life, and other ways to understand the different towns and societies. Finally, learning another language is very important to be a professional.

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

Post 8: Summer vacation

I`m not really sure about what I want to do in the next vacation, but I guess that I would like just relax, go out, wake up late, cook good meals, visit to my friends, read some lectures that I save. Something like that.

If I go to some place, I think that place could be the south. I would go with my girlfriend or another friend, at the last, I could go lonely –I imagine that could be an interesting experience-, anyway, I just want to escape from the heat of Santiago.

A few months ago, I went to Coquimbo, and I enjoyed it so much. I liked its beach, so quiet, light and warm water. In general I` m afraid of swimming in the beach –in Valparaíso for example- but in that beach all was different, I did swim and float in the sea. So if I have to decide or choose to go to any place for this vacation, maybe I can consider going back to Coquimbo, but this time, I would like to explore the city.

Anyway, whatever I want, the first is to get the money. I think, to go back to Coquimbo, I could need a lot money. However, there is a significant period of time to decide about these themes. For the moment, the first is to get exempt of the test, to have enough time to decide and think.

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Post 6: Postgraduate studies

I`m not really sure about what I want to study. I think what I like many things. I would like study something related to social research and social work, but also I would like to study something about the public policys related to infancy or prison. On the other hand, I would like to study something related to environment and sustainability, but I`m not sure. Also I would like study something related to natural disaster, about how react, what to do, in emergency situations. Most of all I would like to study something in which I can put some interesting topics to me, like social research in prison, the gender (the gender in prison too), the contamination phenomenon, natural disaster, and public policy.
Until I know, in Chile does`n exist postgraduate courses whit these characteristic -or not like I would- so I think what I would have to travel to other country to study, like Argentina or Frence -where exist more specialized postmodern studys and postgraduate courses.
I would like study of face-to-face, I think that way is most interactive, and I can know new people.
But, first than all, I would like to recive my universitary degree in social work, and after that I will think sternly about what I want to do in the future for my postgrade.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Post 5: My future job

I`m not pretty sure, but I think I would like work in something related with penitentiary, in particular in the prison system progress. I would like investigate the differents prison system in the country, and compare the results to making politics in favor of the prisoner and they familys. Also I would like work whit trans population in jail, because there is a little information about that, and the public politics are`n at present.
But, in the other hand, I would like work in disaster management. I would like generate practice to confront differtents disasters.
Those are what I want, by the moment. Independently at the job, I would like work in an office, but not all the time. I would like to travel showing my job, and cooperate whit other institutions and organizations that work the same or similar of me.

I would like specialize en many ways, like public politics, management and administration, quality indicator, in social science, in poststructuralist intervention and investigation... anyway, I would like specialize in many things. I`m not sure yet, but I`ve hope, and I wait, can do at least two of the specialization what I told. I think that is important because I think that is a way to be a competent professional

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Post 4: Someone I would like to meet

One of the people that I would have liked to meet is Michel Foucault. I mean, not truly meet him, but attend to his class.

Michel Foucault was a French philosopher, and "historian of idea", among other things.
I don`t know much about his personality, but I think he was a social person because -as he was a teacher too- in his class he complained about his own class because nobody went to talk to him or discuss at the end of the class.

One of the thing what admire of Michel Foucault is his book: Watch and punish. I think I like it because this study shows an historical process the separation among the good people (who opress) and bad people (who are opressed). In particular, this book shows the change between the open punishment and the private confinement (in jail, where nobody sees).

One of the most importan contributions was (and is, at present) his critical study about different institution, like the mental hospital, the prison, the human science, the sexuality, etc. In this study he explains how these institution exercise control over the people, who are subjects because they are "restrain" by a power. In summary, he questioned the traditional ideas of the reason.

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

Post 3: My favourite movie

I don`t know why, but I like the XVIII century so much. I suppose what I like is because it is an interesting century, in social, technological and philosophical way. So, in this way, I always remember a movie called "The perfume" (the book).

I like this movie because its set, precisely, occured in XVIII century, in France. The main character is Ben Whishaw, playing as Jean-Baptiste Grenouille. Grenouille is an orphaned boy. He was born in a fish -stinking- market, where he was abandoned by his mother (she thought he was born dead, like her other born-dead children).
The movie is about the smell; Grenouille, the main character, he has a gift, he could feel all the smell. He doesn`t disntinguish between good or bad smell, he just wanted to know new scents, and being a perfumer to create a scent like no other one.
I like the scene when he is creating his first perfume and show it to Giuseppe Baldini, because he come back to his native land, 
As well as the set in XVIII century, I like this movie because its soundtrack, it is amazing. It can generate a bond between the represented idea of the aroma and the real feeling (the feeling that you feel).
However, I would change some things, like the Grenouille`s looks. In the book, Grenouille looks uglier, wiht scars and malformation. That could be the  more realistic movie.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

Post 2: The Best concert ever

The best concert for me was a concert -it was a tour, in fact- by the band "La Ley". Our trip began in Talca... I don`t remember the date, I think it was in 2015 or 2016. The weather was very hot, I was waiting with my godfather. The concert began at night, when it started we were in front of the stage, so we could see the concert from less than 2 meters. The sound was amazing, the performance, marvelous. I`ve never seen La Ley`s concert before, until that moment.

I remember we had a sign -I don`t remember what it said- but Beto Cuevas, the band`s vocalist, saw it and greeted us. It was very cool. The concert finished after 01.00 am, we were really tired so we went to the car to rest a little.

In the next morning we went to the next place, Buin, in particular, to "the Buinense week". There would be the last concert. I went with my friends. We sang all the songs and we danced.